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Resilient production systems with strip cropping
The regulations and legislation concerning the use of fertilizers and crop protection agents have been increasingly tightened in recent years, and more and more products are being phased out. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to use the available resources more precisely. This is possible by creating more resilient production systems, where soil quality is improved and biodiversity on the field is enhanced.
Within the VDBorne Campus, it is also possible to move away from monoculture. It is feasible to implement strip cropping, which includes multiple different crops and flower strips. This is a new nature-inclusive cultivation system that uses precision agriculture. The market concept "Frietje Precies" is the end product of strip cropping at Van den Borne Potatoes' farm.
The goal is to create a more resilient cultivation system against diseases and pests. This involves improving soil quality, reducing the rapid spread of diseases, and increasing biodiversity through a wide variety of crops. This happens both below and above ground, attracting more natural enemies.
Because it is a more resilient production system and sensors and robotics allow for a more precise assessment of plant needs, it is possible to reduce or even eliminate the use of crop protection products and fertilizers. Additionally, the increased crop diversity both above and below ground can lead to better utilization of water, light, and minerals, which can ultimately enhance yields.

Sensors & Robotics in Strip Farming
In the strip cropping project, various sensors and robotics are used. In the strip farming project, various sensors and robotics are utilized. For instance, the WolkyTolky weather station is used to capture real-time weather data. Additionally, drone images (UAV sensing) and satellite images (remote sensing) are employed to monitor current crop growth and to scan and analyze the crops. Soil scans are also conducted to visualize changes in the soil. Furthermore, the upcoming growing season will feature autonomous field operations in the strip farming system.